
“The Russian Threat to the US and the Democracies Around the World”

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{ Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017 }

“The Russian Threat to the US and the Democracies Around the World”

Congressman Adam Schiff represents California’s 28th Congressional District, and throughout his tenure in Congress, he has focused on growing the economy, bolstering national security, strengthening our communities, helping small businesses and improving education, safety and healthcare for our children. In his eighth term in the House of Representatives, Schiff currently serves as the Ranking Member, or top Democrat, of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (which oversees all of the nation’s intelligence agencies) and as a Member of the Benghazi Select Committee.

Before he was elected to Congress, Schiff served as State Senator for California’s 21st State Senate District, chairing the Senate Judiciary Committee, the Senate Select Committee on Juvenile Justice and the Joint Committee on the Arts. He also worked at the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles for six years, most notably prosecuting the first FBI agent ever to be indicted for espionage.


Location: Westin Hotel South Coast Plaza
(South Coast Plaza, 686 Anton Blvd, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 )

Time: 5:45 PM Registration/Reception


Building Our Global Community

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Where Obama Was & Where Trump Is Going in the Middle East, with Russian, Iran & Syria


{Wednesday, March 1st, 2017}

“Where Obama Was & Where Trump Is Going in the Middle East, with Russia, Iran & Syria”


Michael Doran

Senior Director for the National Security Council under President George W. Bush

doran_michael                                   Senior Fellow at Hudson Institute

Certainly with the new Trump Administration, US policy in the Middle East is certain to change. How significant will be the changes and how will the adversarial issues with Russia and Syria be addressed in this context? With the fall of Aleppo to the Assad forces, the facts on the ground have dramatically changed. Russia and Iran have achieved their strategic goal of leaving the Assad regime in place, at least for now.  A less confrontational approach toward Russia but a more aggressive one against Iran by the new administrations will present an interesting dichotomy on formulating US policy in this region. Much of the future is unknown but what is certain is that US Policy will markedly change and reflect both the reality of a devastated Syria still ruled by the dynastic Assad regime and the Administration’s stated goal  to formulate a “coalition” with Russia against ISIS or whatever entity or entities metastasize from the eventual defeat of the defacto “state” created by this terror group.

We are honored to have as our guest speaker Mr. Michael Doran a Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute in Washington DC and formerly a Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institute. Mr. Doran served as a Senior Director in the National Security Council under President George W. Bush where he was responsible for helping to devise and coordinate United States strategies on a variety of Middle East issues, including Arab-Israeli relations and U.S. efforts to contain Iran and SyriaHe also served in the Bush administration as a senior adviser in the State Department and as deputy assistant secretary of defense in the Pentagon.  He has held teaching positions at NYU, Princeton, and the University of Central Florida. He is the author of Pan-Arabism before Nasser, which analyzes the first Arab-Israeli war as an inter-Arab conflict, and is now completing a book for Simon and Schuster about President Eisenhower and the Middle East. He appears frequently in the media, and has published extensively in Foreign Affairs, The American Interest, Commentary, Mosaic Magazine, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The New York Times.

Location: The Westin Hotel South Coast Plaza

(South Coast Plaza, 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Mesa, CA 92626)

Time: 5:45 PM Registration/Reception


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NIPOC (Network of Iranian-American Professionals of Orange County) 2017 Economic Forecast



Network of Iranian-American Professionals of Orange County

January Special Event
To the memory of our beloved
Dr. Esmael Adibi

2017 Economic Forecast
U.S., California & Orange County

Economic Forecast by: Dr. James L. Doti

President Emeritus and Donald Bren Distinguished Chair of Business and Economics
Chapman University

Thursday, January 19, 2017, 6pm-9pm
Hotel Irvine – 17900 Jamboree Road, Irvine, CA

Admission & Dinner:
NIPOC & SBG Members: $80
Affiliated Members (IAWF, WAC, ISCC) $80
Non-Members: $95
Corporate Tables (10 seats & dinner) $750
Business Display Table: $250 (Includes Logo on Screen)
Business Logo on Big Screens: $200

If you would like to attend the event, please call World Affairs Council of Orange County at (949)-253-5751 or e-mail us at

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Dean C. Alexander: The New Administration’s Challenges with Confronting the Islamic State/ISIL

dean alexanderSave the Date: January 12, 2017

Dean C. Alexander is Director, Homeland Security Research Program and Professor, Homeland Security at the School of Law Enforcement and Justice Administration at Western Illinois University. Prof. Alexander’s teaching, research, and speaking activities encompass terrorism, security, and legal issues. He has lectured in ten countries, including to law enforcement and military officials at North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), U.S. State Department, fusion centers, as well as state and municipal police events. Prof. Alexander’s professional experience includes executive, business development, and legal positions in the United States and abroad, including Chile, Israel, and the United Kingdom. Since publishing on terrorism in 1991, Prof. Alexander has written several books on the subject, most recently, co-authoring The Islamic State: Combating the Caliphate Without Borders (Lexington Books, 2015). He is on the Advisory Board of Security Magazine and founding Advisory Council member of the Marsh Center for Risk Insights, research fellow at the Chesapeake Innovation Center (the first homeland security-focused business incubator), and served on the Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council executive board for the Central District of Illinois. He earned law degrees from Georgetown University Law Center (LL.M.) and American University (J.D.). He received his undergraduate degree from Georgetown University and studied at the Graduate Institute of International Studies (Geneva).

Location: TBA

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*Premium Members Only * “The Rising Voice of the Kurds”

SAVE THE DATE : {Wednesday January 11th, 2017}


*Premium Members Only Event*


Luncheon with Kurdish Representative to the United States

Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman


                                    “The Rising Voice of the Kurds”Bayan-xan3a

Bayan Sami Abdul Rahman is the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) Representative to the United States of America.

Key to her role are strengthening ties between Kurdistan and the United States, advocating her government’s position on a wide array of political, security, humanitarian, economic, and cultural matters and promoting coordination and partnership. Prior to her US appointment in 2015, Ms. Abdul Rahman was the High Representative to the United Kingdom. She was elected to the Leadership Council of the Kurdistan Democratic Party in 2010.

Before her career in public service, Ms. Abdul Rahman worked as a journalist for 17 years in Britain and Tokyo. Her late father, Sami Abdul Rahman, was a veteran of the Kurdish freedom movement, joining the Kurdistan Democratic Party in 1963 and playing a critical leadership role in the Kurdish and Iraqi opposition to Saddam Hussein’s regime. He held the post of Deputy Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government and General Secretary of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP). Sami Abdul Rahman was killed alongside his elder son Salah and 96 others in a twin suicide bombing in 2004.

Venue: Darya Restaurant at SOUTH COAST PLAZA

South Coast Plaza, 3800 S Plaza Dr, Santa Ana, CA 92704

Date: Wednesday January 11th, 2017

Time: 11:30 AM Registration

$50 Student/ $55 Premium Member/ $70 Guests of Premium Member / $105 Non-Premium Member


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1st Annual Sir Eldon Griffiths “Around the World Discussion in 60 Minutes or Less”


                                                                                Wednesday December 14th, 2016 

1st Annual Sir Eldon Griffiths “Around the World Discussion in 60 Minutes or Less”


Special Performance by:

Mr. Cesar Sanchez, a renowned opera singer who will perform operatic Christmas songs and other classics. He is a Mexican born tenor who was bestowed the title of “Ambassador of the Arts” by the Mexican government. He studied on a full scholarship at Mozarteum Conservatory of Music in Salzburg, Austria. He has performed in La Traviata as Alfred, in Calvalleria as Turridu among his other famous roles. He has travelled the world as an accomplished artist and previously performed for our Council receiving a standing ovation at the conclusion.

The three key note Speakers and Moderator for the “Around the World” discussion will be:

  • James Coyle (Chapman University),
  • Robert O’Brien Esq. (Larson Obrien LLP) and
  • Daniel Wehrenfennig (UCI, Olive Tree Initiative)
  • Moderator Dr. Mark Chapin Johnson, MCJ Foundation Claremont

They will address the past year’s critical developments in world affairs from the Middle East to Asia, Europe, Africa and of course the United States and North America. We can also expect bold predictions and insightful analysis on the upcoming year with the foreign policy of President Trump and his new administration.


  Venue: Fairmont Hotel                     Time: 5:30 PM – 8:30 PM

(4500 MacArthur Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92660)

Reception/Registration: 5:30 PM


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Tom Nazario: “Global Poverty: What Everybody Should Know”

Save the Date

{ Wednesday, November 30th, 2016 }

Luncheon – Tom Nazario: “Global Poverty: What Everybody Should Know”


Thomas A. Nazario grew up in New York City and completed his undergraduate degree from John Jay College of Criminal Justice and went on to complete a graduate degree from the City University of New York and New York University. Upon graduation from law school at the University of San Francisco, Professor Nazario practiced criminal law as a public defender in San Francisco for two years.

In 1978, he returned to the University of San Francisco and received a Robert F. Kennedy Fellowship to continue his work in the development of the “Street Law Project” which continues to work extensively with inner-city kids in the San Francisco Bay Area. Mr. Nazario’s expertise lies in the area of Children’s Rights as well as issues related to global poverty.

His work has also led him all over the world documenting human rights violations involving women and children for the United Nations, the U.S. State Department, and for many nongovernmental agencies. Mr. Nazario has visited and reported on Tibetan refugee children living in Northern India, children living in sewers in Romania, children sick or orphaned by AIDS in Botswana, and children sold into sexual slavery in the brothels of Thailand.

In an effort to help those he witnessed living in extreme poverty, in 2007 he founded The Forgotten International, a nonprofit foundation that presently does poverty alleviation work in eight countries around the world and in the United States through dozens of grassroots organizations ( To continue to bring awareness of global poverty issues to the forefront, Mr. Nazario wrote an award-winning book entitled Living on a Dollar a Day: The Lives and Faces of the World’s Poor (W.W. Norton & Co. / April 2014) with photographs by a Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist and a Foreword by the Dalai Lama. It tells the stories, in words and images, of some of the 1.2 billion people in the world who survive on not much more than one dollar a day.


Location: Fairmont Hotel
(4500 MacArthur Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92660)
Time: 11:30 AM-2:00 PM


Building Our Global Community

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House of Saud-Conversation with His Royal Highness Turki Al Faisal

Save the Date: {Thursday November 3rd, 2016}

House of Saud-Conversation with His Royal Highness Turki Al Faisal

Annual Clinton Global InitiativeIn addition to being a member of the Saudi Arabia royal family, Prince Turki is one of the founders of the King Faisal Foundation which has heavily invested in education and numerous other philanthropic projects around the world. Price Turki also serves as chairman of the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies which takes part in preserving and promoting Islamic heritage along with encouraging further research so that such traditions may live on and continue in the future. He was appointed ambassador to the court of Saint James in London and to Ireland from January of 2003 until 2005. Later that year he assumed the position of Saudi Ambassador to the United States which he acted as until 2007. He is also co-chair of the C100 Group which has been affiliated with the World Economic Forum since 2003, encouraging interfaith dialogue and cross-cultural understanding. Prince Turki is also deputy chairman of Saudi General Authority for Civil Aviation (GACA) and was elected as the first Vice President of the regional bureau of Asia-Pacific within airports council international.

November 3rd, 2016

The Resort at Pelican Hill (22701 S. Pelican Hill Rd, Newport Coast, CA 92657)

VIP Reception/Registration: 5:00pm – 6:00pm

General Reception/Registration: 5:30pm-6:30pm

Dinner Event Begins at 6:45pm

$75 Students/ $90 Members/ $105 Non Members


Thank you to our Sponsors:

Bronze Corporate Sponsors:

Ken Petersen – First American Trust

Dr. Mark Chapin Johnson – Mark Chapin Johnson Foundation

Robert & Sandra Teitsworth

Bronze Member Sponsor:

Kenneth August – August Law Group

Hal Smith Jr.

Mouhamad Alsudairy

Student Sponsor:

Souzan Baaj

Table Sponsors:

Norman Tanber

Joanne Sokolski- Chief of Protocol, OC Protocol Foundation

Syrian Institute for Progress

Underwriting Sponsor

Seda Yaghoubian

Drs. Harry & Asha Sahota

Serge Tomassian


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