Kindly select your preferred donation method:
Donate by Zelle
To donate by Zelle, please use our office number: (949) 354-3180
Donate by Check
To donate by check, please make it payable to the World Affairs Council of Orange County and mail it to the address below:
World Affairs Council of Orange County
2151 Michelson Drive, Suite 264
Irvine, CA 92612-1374
Why Your Gift Matters
For nearly 50 years, the World Affairs Council of Orange County has been a trusted resource, bringing together international and local experts to help the public understand the profound impact of global events on our daily lives. As the world becomes more complex, interconnected, and unpredictable, our role as a nonpartisan forum is more critical than ever. From global health and great power competition to humanitarian crises and international trade, the need for informed and thoughtful dialogue with one another, from students and young professionals, to career diplomats and academics, global business experts and retirees with a passion for learning, is a requirement for successful democracies. Your support enables us to provide a wide range of programs addressing these pressing challenges — and others as they emerge — fostering meaningful, nonpartisan conversations that inform, inspire, and engage our community.
We believe our programs should be accessible to encourage civil dialogue across ALL demographics in Orange County, and your gifts help to cover administrative costs and deeply discounted program costs for students, young professionals, and veterans. Thank you.