World Affairs Council of Orange County
Invites you to participate in our
8th Annual Academic WorldQuest
February 27, 2016

Register Your OC High School Team Today!
Academic WorldQuest is a team competition, held among Orange County high school students, testing students’ knowledge of global affairs. This year the local winning team from Orange County will have the opportunity to participate in the National Academic WorldQuest in Washington DC on April 23, 2016! Recruit your team of trivia all-stars and join us for an afternoon of fun, food, and friendly competition!
Who: One team of 4 students per high school
Cost: There is no fee to participate
What: Academic WorldQuest competition to be held on Saturday, February 27, 2016 in Orange County. Teams respond to a combination of multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, true/false, and open-ended questions in the following categories:
Current Events
Great Decisions
Asia Matters for America
International Trade and Finance
Sultanate of Oman
Privacy in the Digital Age
The Arctic
Food Security
Organization of American States
When: Saturday, February 27, 2016
Time: 3:30 pm – 7:00 pm.
Location: Chapman University
George H.W. Bush Conference Room, Beckman Hall Room 404
Attire: Business casual
Things to note: Please do not bring any additional study guides or study materials to the competition. All writing utensils, paper, and further materials needed to compete will be provided. Snacks will be provided, and dinner will be served after the competition.
Registration: – A teacher registers the team by emailing us at
How: Preparation – A study guide willl be mailed to you when your team is confirmed.
Why it is Important: Academic WorldQuest is a great way for students to learn about and engage in international affairs through fun and challenging activities along with being able to include their experience on their resume or college applications. This year the local winning team from Orange County will have the opportunity to participate in the National Academic WorldQuest in Washington