Past Speakers/Events

Orange County World Trade Week



will be sponsoring with





Breakfast & Forum

Joe Kiani

Keynote Speaker

Masimo Founder, Chairman, and CEO



  • Orange County Trade Overview
  • Export Success Stories Panel featuring small, medium and large company export experiences
  • Trade EXPO: Network and connect with International consuls, chambers, trade organizations to explore and expand your exporting capacity


Date: Thursday, May 17th, 2018

Time: 7:00 Am – 11:00 AM

Venue: Irvine Marriott

For more information: contact our office at (949) 253-5751 or e-mail us at

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EVENING LECTURE EVENT – “Russia’s Border Wars & Frozen Conflicts” with Ambassador Steven Pifer and James Coyle, Ph.D.

THURSDAY, MAY 24, 2018




“Russia’s Border Wars & Frozen Conflicts”



Ambassador Steven Pifer

Former US Ambassador to Ukraine

Former Special Assistant to the President

Former Senior Director for Russia, Ukraine, & Eurasia on the National Security Council



James Coyle, Ph.D.

Director of Center for Global Education at Chapman University

Nonresident Senior Research Fellow, Atlantic Council


Russian President Vladimir Putin has been quite clear that he is willing to use force to protect what he believes to be Russian national interests.  In short, to this day, President Putin continues to push Boris Yeltsin’s original agenda to keep the countries of the former Soviet Union under the Russian sphere of influence, highlighted, for example, by the annexation of Crimea, and multiple attacks on the power grid in Ukraine since.

On Thursday, May 24th, the World Affairs Council of Orange County will host two top experts to provide valuable insight on Putin’s agenda what it means for us now.

Former Ambassador Steven Pifer, and author of the book, The Eagle & the Trident, will discuss the history of US-Ukraine relations, what worked and did not work in America’s approach, and how Washington might more effectively promote its goal of helping Ukraine become a stable, independent, democratic state.

Dr. James Coyle, author of Russia’s Border Wars and Frozen Conflicts, argues that when the Kremlin believes that a border country is slipping in to Western orbit, it creates frozen conflicts to weaken, divide, and prevent these countries from moving away.  Looking at the examples of Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine, he explores how President Putin has been quite clear that he’s willing to use force to protect what he believes still “belongs” to Russia.


Steven Pifer is currently a non-resident senior fellow at Brookings Institution, having most recently served there as the director of the Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Initiative.  His more than 25 years with the State Department included assignments as deputy assistant secretary of state with responsibilities for Russia and Ukraine (2001-2004), ambassador to Ukraine (1998-2000), and special assistant to the president and senior director for Russia, Ukraine, and Eurasia on the National Security Council (1996-1997).


James J. Coyle is a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, director of Global Education at Chapman University, and a visiting professor of public policy at Pepperdine University. Dr. Coyle previously held a variety of positions in the US government, including director of Middle East Studies, US Army War College.



Hotel Irvine

(17900 Jamboree Road, Irvine, CA 92614)


Registration/Reception 5:30 PM

Lecture/ Q&A 6:45 PM


WACOC Member $30

Non-Member $40

Student $10

10 Student Tickets $95


Valet $10/Self-Parking $5

Dietary Restrictions: Please e-mail or call our office (949) 253-5751 by Thursday, May 17, 2018. Accommodations cannot be made after this date. 

Refund Policy: Refund requests will not be accepted after the registration deadline. Cancellations must be made no later than the registration deadline. 

Paying by Check: If you prefer to pay by check, please bring your check to the door (YOU MUST call the office to reserve your spot, otherwise your registration will be incomplete)

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*PREMIUM MEMBER LUNCHEON*- “From Cold War to Hot Peace: An American Ambassador in Putin’s Russia” with Ambassador Michael McFaul





“From Cold War to Hot Peace: An American Ambassador in Putin’s Russia”



Ambassador Michael McFaul

Former US Ambassador To Russia (2012-2014)

Professor of Political Science at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at Stanford University


How can we best describe US-Russia relations?  Michael McFaul, recent US Ambassador to Russia, says we have just transitioned from a “Cold War” to a “Hot Peace”.  The nerve agent attacks on a former Russian spy and his daughter in England, the investigation into interference in the 2016 US election, and the ongoing war Russia is waging in the Ukraine four years after Russia originally invaded, among other things, . . . all raise serious questions. 

 On Tuesday, May 24, McFaul, who served as President Obama’s advisor on Russian Affairs before serving as Ambassador 2012-14, will talk with VIP members at an OC WAC luncheon about Russian leader Vladimir Putin and his character and goals, challenges, and impacts.  McFaul, one of America’s top experts on post-Soviet Russia, will provide valuable perspective on the turbulent past relations, current news headlines, and the future of US-Russian relations. 

 Read a review of McFaul’s latest book From Cold War to Hot Peace: An American Ambassador in Putin’s Russia.

 Ambassador Michael McFaul – BIO

Michael McFaul is Professor of Political Science, Director and Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies, and the Peter and Helen Bing Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution. He joined the Stanford faculty in 1995. He is also an analyst for NBC News and a contributing columnist to The Washington Post. Dr. McFaul served for five years in the Obama administration, first as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Russian and Eurasian Affairs at the National Security Council at the White House (2009-2012), and then as U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation (2012-2014). He was also the Distinguished Mingde Faculty Fellow at the Stanford Center at Peking University from June to August of 2015.

He has authored several books, including “Advancing Democracy Abroad: Why We Should, How We Can“; with Kathryn Stoner, “Transitions To Democracy: A Comparative Perspective”; with James Goldgeier, “Power and Purpose: American Policy toward Russia after the Cold War”; and “Russia’s Unfinished Revolution: Political Change from Gorbachev to Putin”. His current research interests include American foreign policy, great power relations, and the relationship between democracy and development. Dr. McFaul’s latest book “From Cold War to Hot Peace: An American Ambassador in Putin’s Russia” comes out Spring 2018.

Dr. McFaul was born and raised in Montana. He received his B.A. in International Relations and Slavic Languages and his M.A. in Soviet and East European Studies from Stanford University in 1986. As a Rhodes Scholar, he completed his D. Phil. in International Relations at Oxford University in 1991.



The Center Club

(650 Town Center Drive, Garden Level, Costa Mesa, CA 92626)


VIP Reception 11:30 AM

General Reception 11:30 AM

Lunch & Speaker Program 12:15 PM


Premium Member Lunch + Program $55

Premium Member Guest Lunch + Program $55

VIP Reception + Lunch + Program $150

VIP Reception only (1 ticket) $100

Table Sponsor (10 seats – includes 2 VIP Reception tickets) $600



Dietary Restrictions: Please e-mail or call our office (949) 253-5751 by Thursday, May 17, 2018. Accommodations cannot be made after this date. 

Refund Policy: Refund requests will not be accepted after the registration deadline. Cancellations must be made no later than the registration deadline. 

Paying by Check: If sending in a check, please call our office by Thursday, May 17, 2018

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“Independent Filmmaking in Contemporary China” with Professor Paul Pickowicz, Ph.D.

Thursday, April 26th, 2018


“Independent Filmmaking in Contemporary China”


  Paul Pickowicz, Ph.D.

Distinguished Professor of History and Chinese Studies at the University of California, San Diego


Everyone knows there is state-sector filmmaking in China closely supervised closely by the government.  Much of it falls into the propaganda or commercial light entertainment categories.  What many people outside China do not know is that non-state-sector independent filmmaking also takes place in China (ever since about 1990).  

 Independent cinema has shown the unfiltered and at times undesirable aspects of a country keen on perfect displays, and the Chinese government has retaliated with intense regulation. Independent cinema has become a conflict over whom and what ultimately is presented as China.  Unlike Western indie films, which seek independence from the dominance of Hollywood’s silver screen, non-state Chinese films have sought independence from the confines of censorship.  You won’t see the work on TV, in theaters, or in other state-controlled venues, but it gets made and is circulated in various ways nonetheless.  It tends to deal with real social issues and problems that the state sector neglects or avoids. 


 We are thrilled to have Dr. Paul Pickowicz, one of the country’s leading historians on modern China with 15 books (2 on this subject) to his credit address our Council on this subject.  Professor Pickowicz currently serves as Distinguished Professor of History and Chinese Studies as well as Endowed Chair in Modern Chinese History at the University of California, San Diego.  A true interdisciplinary scholar, his work has investigated the impact of the Cultural Revolution on Chinese peasants, the history of Chinese cinema, Cold War propaganda strategies, rural protest and Chinese soft-power initiatives.  His book “Chinese Village, Socialist State,” was called “by far the best book on the impact of the Chinese Communist Party on peasant life” by The New York Review of Books. 

Complete with sample clips from different films, Professor Pickowicz will be discussing what motivates these filmmakers (many of whom he knows), and how their work is received.  Join us as we welcome Professor Paul Pickowicz on Thursday, April 26th!

Venue: The Pacific Club

(4110 MacArthur Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92660)




WACOC Member $75

Non-Member $90

Student $50



(If you are interested in sponsoring a student or a table of students (10) which includes dinner, please contact our office at (949) 253-5751 or e-mail us at



Dietary Restrictions: Please e-mail or call our office (949) 253-5751 by Thursday, April 19th, 2018. Accommodations cannot be made after this date. 

Refund Policy: Refund requests will not be accepted after the registration deadline. Cancellations must be made no later than the registration deadline. 

Paying by Check: Please bring your check to the event and call our office at (949) 253 – 5751 to confirm your reservation before the registration deadline.


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“Yemen: The War the World Ignores At Its Peril” with Ambassador Stephen Seche

Wednesday, March 28th, 2018


“Yemen: The War the World Ignores At Its Peril”



Ambassador Stephen Seche

Former Ambassador to Yemen

Executive Vice President of the Arab Gulf States Institute


What started as a Yemeni power struggle between competing domestic competitors, has morphed into a situation where Yeminis are the unfortunate pawns in a regional power-struggle between Iran and Saudi Arabia.

Even before war broke out between the Saudi backed government forces and Iranian backed Houthi rebels, Yemen was the poorest country in the Middle East.  Now the United Nations calls this the world’s worst current humanitarian crisis, with three quarters of its population in need of humanitarian aid.  With headlines being grabbed by Syria, Venezuela, and the threat of terrorist attacks, it is incredible to think that a country devastated by war, on the brink of famine, and experiencing the worst cholera outbreak in modern history would not get more attention.  Instead, in the shadows of these other global crises, Yemenis continue to be a victim of a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

What are the causes?  What are the solutions, if any?  Why should the world be concerned not just of the humanitarian tragedy, but of another failed state, a new Afghanistan or Somalia, that could foster the deadly combination of a proliferation of both weapons and global terrorism.

Ambassador Seche is uniquely positioned as a former US Ambassador to Yemen and still deeply engaged as the Executive Vice President of the Arab Gulf State Institute, to shine a spotlight on this true tragedy with no end in sight.


Stephen A. Seche is the executive vice president of the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington.

He spent 35 years as a career U.S. Foreign Service officer. From 2011-13, Seche served as deputy assistant secretary in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs at the Department of State, with responsibility for U.S. relations with the GCC states and Yemen. He served as the U.S. ambassador to Yemen from 2007-10.

During the 2006-07 academic year, Seche was a visiting fellow at the University of Southern California, where he taught public diplomacy in the master’s degree program. On his return from Yemen, he spent a year at the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown University, leading a graduate seminar in the School of Foreign Service.

From February 2005 to August 2006, Seche served as charge d’affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Damascus, Syria; he was deputy of chief of mission for the six months prior. This was his second tour in Damascus. From 1999 to 2002, Seche was the counselor for public affairs and the director of the American Cultural Center. He spent the two years between his Damascus assignments as director of the Office for Egypt and Levant Affairs at the Department of State in Washington, DC.

Seche spent the first seven years of his Foreign Service career in public diplomacy positions in Guatemala, Peru, and Bolivia. Other overseas assignments have included Ottawa, Canada and New Delhi, India. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, and spent four years as a journalist before entering the Foreign Service.




Venue:  The Pacific Club

(4110 MacArthur Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92660)

WACOC Member $75

Non-member $90

Student $50

Dietary Restrictions: Please e-mail or call our office (949)253-5751 by Wednesday, March 21st, 2018. Accommodations cannot be made after this date.

Refund Policy: Refund requests will not be accepted after the registration deadline. Cancellations must be made no later than the registration deadline.

Paying by Check: If sending in a check, please call our office by Monday, March 19th, 2018

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“Myanmar: The Ethnic Cleansing of the Rohingya & Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi’s Reaction” with Dr. Azeem Ibrahim – Senior Fellow at the Center for Global Policy and Research Professor at the Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College

November 2017

“Myanmar: The Ethnic Cleansing of the Rohingya & Nobel Peace Laureate Aung San Suu Kyi’s Reaction”




Dr. Azeem Ibrahim

Senior Fellow at the Center for Global Policy and Research Professor at the Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College

Dr. Azeem Ibrahim is author of the recently released, “The Rohingyas: Inside Myanmar’s Hidden Genocide.”  Over 400,000, 1/4 of the Rohingya population in Rakhine State, have fled their homes since the long simmering conflict between the Myanmar military and the Rohingya boiled over on August 25th.  The United Nations has described the situation as a textbook example of ethnic cleansing and world leaders have pleaded with Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi to speak out more forcefully about the crises.

Dr. Ibrahim is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Global Policy and Research Professor at the Strategic Studies Institute, US Army War College. He received his PhD from the University of Cambridge and has previously been appointed an International Security Fellow at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University and a World Fellow at Yale University.



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“The New Diplomacy: 21st Century Challenges in Foreign Policy” with Ambassador Cameron Munter

Thursday, March 1st, 2017


“The New Diplomacy: 21st Century Challenges in Foreign Policy”



Ambassador Cameron Munter

President & CEO of East West Institute

Former US Ambassador to Serbia & Pakistan


In the 21st century, many problems defy simple state to state solutions.  For example, what do we do about the ongoing refugee crisis, climate change, and cyber-security? Cyber-security for example, is the ultimate trans-national threat. It is a challenge that is understood by few, but impacts everyone.  It’s something to be dealt with by business, finance, governments, and individuals.  It’s something abused by terrorists, and something used by nation-states as a new means for weak nations to take on more powerful adversaries.

How do we get beyond the traditional diplomats in an embassy working in a 19th century fashion?  Who are the people who should be involved in the new conversations that need to be taking place?  Are they young people?  Are they women?  Are they people who have been disenfranchised in the past?   The overriding question is, “Can we get the answers that we want?”  Can we get beyond the simple question that defines country to country?

As someone who has worked both as a diplomat at our nation’s highest levels, and as a CEO and President of a nonprofit, addressing these new questions, Ambassador Cameron Munter is uniquely positioned to explain the challenges, and contribute to the conversation of how the world can work together to solve these new 21st century issues.


VENUE: Center Club


TIME: Registration/ General Reception 5:30 PM

             Dinner/Speaker Program 6:45 PM



Dietary Restrictions: Please e-mail or call our office (949)253-5751 by Thursday, February 22nd, 2018. Accommodations cannot be made after this date.

Refund Policy: Refund requests will not be accepted after the registration deadline. Cancellations must be made no later than the registration deadline.

Paying by Check: If sending in a check, please call our office by Tuesday, February 20th, 2018

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WACOC’s 50th Anniversary with Ambassador Ryan Crocker – “Middle East Meltdown: Causes & Consequences for the U.S.”

Tuesday, January 23rd, 2018


 WACOC’s 50th Anniversary

*Black tie optional*


“Middle East Meltdown: Causes & Consequences for the U.S.”


Ambassador Ryan Crocker

Former Ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Kuwait and Lebanon

Recipient of Presidential Medal of Freedom


Ryan Crocker

The World Affairs Council of Orange County will be celebrating its 50th Anniversary with one of the highest profile American diplomats of our generation, Ambassador Ryan Crocker.   Dubbed, “America’s Lawrence of Arabia” by former US President, George W. Bush, Ambassador Crocker has held our nation’s highest diplomatic positions throughout the Middle East, having served as US Ambassador to Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Lebanon, and Kuwait.

For decades, Ambassador Crocker has courageously and dutifully served our nation in leadership positions throughout the Middle East and South Asia.  In August 1990, Crocker served as Director of the Iraq-Kuwait Task Force following the Iraq invasion of Kuwait.  In 2002, he led a team that secretly worked with Iranian counterparts to capture Al Qaeda operatives in the days after 9/11.  Prior to the invasion of Iraq, he co-authored a memo for Secretary of State Colin Powell warning that overthrowing Saddam Hussein could unleash long-repressed ethnic and sectarian tensions in Iraq, potentially pulling in Iran and Syria, and warning that the US would be left to rebuild the country’s economic and political systems.  Most recently he was General David Petraeus’s civilian partner as US Ambassador to Iraq during the US troop surge in 2007.

Ambassador Crocker in his speech to our Council will address the causes and consequences of the current “meltdown” in the Middle East including the ongoing crisis in the various nations there.

Venue: Hotel Irvine

 (17900 JAMBOREE ROAD, IRVINE, CA 92614)

Time: 5:30 PM Registration/Reception

            6:45 PM Speaker/Dinner






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Full Page $175

1/2 Page $100

1/4 Page $50


Please fill out the Ad Sponsorship form and follow the instructions for sending logos/business cards and messages and payment methods.




(If you are paying for  the Ad via credit/debit card please e-mail your logo/business cards to


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Annual Holiday Party & Sir Eldon Griffith’s Around the World Talk

Tuesday, December 19th, 2017


Annual Holiday Party & Sir Eldon Griffith’s Around the World Talk

“Global Challenges for the US & The World in the Coming Year”


Nubar Hovsepian, PhD.

Chair & Associate Professor of Political Science at Chapman University




Special Guest Performance by:

Cesar Sanchez



Francis Fukuyama declared that the end of the Cold War, was the triumph of liberal democracy. This triumph has fostered populist ideologies as evidenced by Brexit and Trump’s ascendance to the US presidency. The bi-polar international system enabled the emergence of unipolar world dominated by the US. However, this did not last. Instead, we have a new multipolar world that has weakened American hegemony. In view of these changes, will the US become more isolationist, and if so what are the implications for international trade, democracy, and major international conflicts?

Dr. Nubar Hovsepian is chair of Political Science at Chapman University. He teaches courses on Middle East politics, democracy and de-democratization, and globalization’s implications for democracy and peace. He holds a PhD in Political Science from the Graduate Center—City University of New York. He edited: The War on Lebanon (2007). His book: Palestinian State Formation: Education and the Construction of National Identity, was published in 2009. He is currently working on a book on Edward Said as a Oppositional Intellectual. In addition, he has written and edited four books (in Arabic), most notably on the Iranian revolution of 1979. He served as Political Affairs officer at the United Nations (1982-84), and has worked as publisher, journalist, and development specialist.



The Pacific Club

         4110 MacArthur Blvd, Newport Beach, CA 92660


5:30 PM Registration/Hosted Champagne Reception

6:45 PM Dinner/Speaker Program

$72 WACOC Members/$87 Non-Members/$58 Student

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“Global Disaster Relief & Responding to Humanitarian Crises” with Kerri Murray – President of ShelterBox USA

Thursday, October 19th, 2017




“Global Disaster Relief & Responding to Humanitarian Crises”




Kerri Murray

President of ShelterBox USA


Currently, there are approximately 65 million people or close to 1% of the global population displaced due to the hurricanes in Puerto Rico, Caribbean, and US states bordering the Gulf of Mexico, the earthquakes in Mexico, and the millions of refugees in war-torn countries.  Since 2000 Shelterbox has been providing emergency shelter to people affected by disasters and humanitarian crises around the world.  Hear how they are reacting to the current crises closer to home, and how they have emerged as a major player in the field of international disaster relief.


$14 Student/ $30 WACOC Member/ $42 Non-Member

(20 % of YOUR ticket price will be donated directly to ShelterBox USA)


Location: Orange County Mining Company (10000 S Crawford Canyon Road, Santa Ana, CA 92705)

Time: 5:45 PM Registration/General Reception

7:00 PM  Lecture/ Q & A

Heavy hors d’oeuvres will be served


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