11/10/2014 The Ukraine Tragedy – How the West and Russia Overplay

Download Presentation “The Ukraine Crisis – Oystein Noreng”

(From November 10, 2014 at the Center Club)


World Affairs Council of Orange County


Øystein Noreng


 Former Professor of Petroleum Economics and Management at BI Norwegian School of Management, Oslo, Norway


Monday, November 10, 2014

Location: Center Club

650 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626

VIP Reception: 6:00 pm to 6:45 pm (Premium Members only)

General Reception: 6:00 pm Dinner: 7:00 pm Program: 7:45 pm

Members: $60.00

Non-Members $70.00

Table of Ten: $550.00 (purchased by Members)

Student: $45.00 Student Program Only: $10.00

Thank you to Norm Tanber, Trustee WACOC, for sponsoring our guest speaker from Norway.


Professor Øystein Noreng is Norway’s leading energy economist and a profoundly insightful commentator on the geopolitical factors affecting global energy markets. He has authored many international articles and books, most notable Oil on the Fire, an account on the United States and the Iraq War. He was a research fellow for the Norwegian Humanities Research Council from 1968-1971. Professor Noreng has had numerous teaching and research assistant assignments at Norwegian and foreign universities and institutions. He has been a consultant for numerous Norwegian, foreign, and international public and private organizations including the governments of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the US State Department, the Internal Revenue Service, the UN, the World Bank, the IMF, the International Energy Agency, and several oil and gas companies. There will be a private reception for our Premium Members prior to the dinner and program. Please contact Becky Williams at the WAC office to learn more about this event and about becoming a Premium Member.

Building Our Global Community

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10/16/2014 – Hidden No More: Exposing Human Trafficking in Orange County

30 Minute Film followed by expert Panel Discussion

World Affairs Council of Orange County


Combating Human Trafficking


The goal of this program is to increase awareness in the United States of the underlying causes and profound dangers of human trafficking.

Please join the World Affairs Council of Orange County, in partnership with the World Affairs Council of America and a generous grant from Carlson & the Carlson Family Foundation for a panel discussion on combating human trafficking. We will bring together law enforcement officials, victims advocates, and subject matter experts for a panel discussion to raise awareness of the issue. The panel will also highlight legislation being advanced at the federal level that will help prevent sex trafficking.

Date: Thursday, October 16, 2014

Location: Port Theater in Corona Del Mar
2905 East Coast Hwy, Corona Del Mar, CA 92625

(949) 723-6333

This will be a 30 minute movie screening with a panel discussion to follow.The Moderator will be Annie Kim from UNICEF.

Panelists include:

Lita Mercado (OC Human Trafficking Task Force)
Craig Friesen (Lt from Anaheim Police Dept)
Sandra Morgan (Director for Global Center for Women and Justice at Vanguard University)
Sara Catalan (Chief of Staff, Congressman Ed Royce’s office)

A program of the World Affairs Councils of America with support provided by a grant from Carlson & the Carlson Family Foundation.



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9/22/2014 – Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Ed Royce at the Annual General Membership Dinner

World Affairs Council

of Orange County 


Congressman Ed Royce 

Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee

at the Annual General Membership Dinner



World Affairs Council of Orange County is proud to host Congressman Ed Royce at the first Annual General Membership (AGM) dinner for the 2014-15 year on Monday, September 22nd.

The AGM meeting is the kick-off to a brand new year of events and programming. WAC is excited with the lineup of speakers and panels that we are assembling for 2014-2015. The world has many challenges and the U.S. continues to be instrumental in leading and finding solutions. WAC welcomes all new and and old members. This is an opportunity for the general membership to meet the incoming Executive Board and the new class of trustees and provide feedback on what members would like to see from World Affairs Council of Orange County.

Congressman Royce represents the 39th district of California and has served in the House of Representatives for 11 terms. He is the Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and a leading policymaker on terrorism, nuclear proliferation, and the role of the US in the Middle East, Europe, Asia, and the Pacific. With the Middle East currently in chaos, Ukraine in crisis, and a multitude of other challenges around the globe, World Affairs Council is honored to have Congressman Royce address the Council as a distinguished speaker at this very important annual event.

There will be a private reception for our Premium Members prior to the Annual General Membership dinner. Please contact the WAC office to learn more about this event and about becoming a Premium Member.

Date: Monday, September 22, 2014

Location: Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel

686 Anton Boulevard, Costa Mesa, Ca. 92626 

Self Parking – Complimentary (included in price)

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