May 4-8, 2020
The World Affairs Council of Orange County Presents:
WACA Network: CxC: Amplified – “Putting the World Back Together”
‘Putting the World Back Together’ marks the first time Councils across the country will gather virtually for a special, inclusive Ideas Summit, under a new brand: CxC: Amplified. Our collective programming – virtual events, conversations, debates, and engagement opportunities – on one platform aims to meet this historic moment with unity, leadership, and dialogue. Check out the website to view the constantly evolving agenda. The CxC: Amplified Summit website is live!
CxC: Amplified is a full week of ideas designed to amplify voices on foreign and national policy, Council by Council, and coast to coast. Open to the public, this Ideas Summit brings together leaders, experts, and citizens across the nation to tackle the central question: How will the world be put back together as we chart our way through the new circumstances caused by this coronavirus pandemic?
Virtual programming will be dedicated to discussing the personal and professional, economic and foreign policy, and local and global impacts of COVID-19. The CxC: Amplified Summit will include webinars, discussion groups, happy hours, and more virtual programming hosted by World Affairs Councils across the U.S.
Each day will be anchored by a featured webinar event, and the lineup will range from a variety of different topics, formats, and formality. We invite you and your members to take advantage of this cross-Council event-sharing opportunity.