Wednesday, September 23 at 12 PM PDT

Join the World Affairs Councils of San Francisco and Orange County for a livestream event on:

The Future of US Global Leadership

Declining American leadership abroad is not solely a product of the Trump Presidency or COVID-19, but of decades-long policy decisions and shifting international dynamics. Amidst political polarization, technological transformation, and major global power shifts, Rebecca Lissner and Mira Rapp-Hooper argue, only a grand strategy of openness can protect American security and prosperity despite diminished national strength. How can an openness strategy counter authoritarian competitors, maintain access to the global commons, and support democracies around the world? Will the issue of American declining global leadership play a part in the 2020 Presidential debates? What kind of roadmap do Lissner and Rapp-Hooper provide for the next president?

Rebecca Lissner is an assistant professor at the US Naval War College. Mira Rapp‑Hooper is Stephen A. Schwarzman Senior Fellow for Asia Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations and Senior Fellow at the Yale Law School’s China Center. You can purchase their book, An Open World: How America Can Win the Contest for Twenty-First-Century Order, with BooksInc for free shipping and to support your local, independent book store!

Before casting your vote or watching the presidential debates, what are some of our nation’s most pressing issues and what is at stake? Starting September 9th leading up to Election Day on November 3rd, World Affairs is holding a series of virtual conversations on key issues affecting our democracy like housing, healthcare, disinformation, and the role of media, along with key global policy challenges like climate change, the changing US role in the world, and our relations with China, Russia, and countries in the Middle East. Learn from the experts and from one another.

Your vote matters! Don’t forget to check your voter registration and re-register if you have moved since you last voted. You are encouraged to send your mail-in ballot early to ensure your vote is counted by Election Day. Visit to check your registration status and to learn more.