The World Affairs Councils of America hosted a Hot Topics Conference Call with Dr. Abraham Kim, Vice President of KEI and speaker for the Future of Korea program. Dr. Kim addressed the ongoing situation in North Korea and what the future looks like of U.S.-North Korean relations. The call was moderated by President & CEO, Todd Culpepper. Click here to listen to the audio of this call.
Cuba 2/19/13
World Affairs Councils of America President & CEO Todd Culpepper recently returned from a Travel the World trip to Cuba sponsored by the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia held January 19-26. Todd spoke on his impressions of the embargoed island nation as well as the state of the economy, their people, and his thoughts on the future of the U.S.-Cuba relationship on a Hot Topics Conference Call on Tuesday, February 19. Click here to listen to the audio of this call.
Blast Off: Implications of North Korea’s Successful Missile Test 12/20/12
On December 20, the World Affairs Councils of America hosted a Hot Topics Conference Call with Dr. Michael J. Green, Senior Vice President for Asia and Japan Chair, Center for Strategic and International Studies, and associate professor of international relations, Georgetown University, on Blast Off: Implications of North Korea’s Successful Missile Test. Click here to listen to the audio of this call.
Diplomacy in Dangerous Places 9/13/12
On September 13, the World Affairs Councils of America hosted a Hot Topics Conference Call with Ambassador Ronald E. Neumann, former U.S. ambassador to Afghanistan, Algeria, and Bahrain, and President of the American Academy of Diplomacy, on Diplomacy in Dangerous Places. Ambassador Neumann shared insights from his experience working in embassies in unsafe environments and addressed the attacks on the U.S. embassy in Cairo and the U.S. consulate in Benghazi. Click here to listen to the audio of this call.
Morsi, the Generals, and Egypt’s Future 7/12/12
On July 12, the World Affairs Councils of America hosted a Hot Topics Conference Call with Dr. Tamara Cofman Wittes, Senior Fellow and Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution, onMorsi, the Generals, and Egypt’s Future. Dr. Wittes discussed the ongoing power struggle in Egypt between the newly elected, Muslim Brotherhood-backed president, Mohamed Morsi, and the Egyptian military. Click here to listen to the audio of this call.
Russia and Putin: Reset or Rerun? with James Brooke 5/3/12
On May 3, the World Affairs Councils of America hosted a Hot Topics Conference Call with Voice of America Russia/CIS Bureau Chief James Brooke on Russia and Putin: Reset or Rerun? With a bird’s-eye view on Moscow, Mr. Brooke will talk about Russian president-elect Vladimir Putin’s upcoming May 7 inauguration and what Russia will look like under another Putin presidency. Click Here to listen to the audio of this call. Click here to download on iTunes.
Inside Egypt with Mohamed Younis 2/27/12
On February 27 the World Affairs Councils of America hosted a Hot Topics Conference Call Inside Egypt: The Path Forward with Gallup Senior Analyst Mohamed Younis who presented the latest research on Egyptians’ views on: the coming presidential election, Egypt’s peace treaty with Israel, the Arab Spring and events in Syria and Libya, the Egyptian military’s involvement in national politics, and Egyptians’ preferred path to civilian rule. Click here to listen to the audio of this call. Click here to download on iTunes.
The Taiwan Presidential Elections: A Firsthand Perspective 1/13/12
On January 13, the World Affairs Councils of America hosted a Hot Topics Conference Call with the WACA Taiwan Leadership Delegation on the Taiwan Presidential Elections: A Firsthand Perspective for the national network. Michael Phillip, Board Chair, World Affairs Council of California Central Coast and WACA National Board Member, and Jay Bruns, Board Member, World Affairs Council of Connecticut and WACA National Board Member, led the discussion moderated by Lori Murray, WACA President & CEO. Click here to listen to the audio of this call. Click here to download on iTunes.